Sud-Aveyron | Hérault

Your frequently asked questions

Find here all the answers to your questions about our hotels, restaurants and the Larzac area.

Aire du Larzac

Are you open 24 hours a day ?
Is it accessible to handicapped people ?
Do you have a gas station ?
Do you have a loyalty system? How does it work ?
Can I park my car safely overnight ?
Can I charge my electric car? How does it work ?
How can I book/pay for a room ?
What are your restaurant prices ?
Do you have picnic tables ?


Where to find restaurants ?
What are the opening hours ?
What are your prices ?
Can we reserve a table ?
Is there handicapped access ?
Do you do take-out ? What about delivery ?
Do you have terraces ?
Do you have WIFI access ?
Do you speak English ?


Are the accommodations heated ? Air-conditioned ?
How are the accommodations equipped ?
Is there access for handicapped people ?
Can we smoke inside ?
Do you have parking ? Are they free ?
At what time do we have to leave the accommodations?
Are you open all year round ?
Is there Wifi in the accommodations ?
I did not find the information I was looking for
Millau Larzac
To unite hoteliers, gîtes, residences and restaurants in the South Aveyron and the North Hérault.